What is at Stake with Decolonizing Design? A RoundtableAbdulla, Danah, Ahmed Ansari, Ece Canli, Mahmoud Keshavarz, Matthew Kiem, Luiza Prado de O. Martins, Tristan Schultz, and Pedro J.S. Vieira de Oliveira. Design and Culture 10, no. 1 (January 2018): 81-101. "This roundtable was conducted by the eight founding members of the Decolonising Design Group in October 2017. It covers a variety of topics such as "politics of design, artificiality, modernity, Eurocentrism, capitalism, Indigenous Knowledge, pluriversality, continental philosophy, pedagogy, materiality, mobility, language, gender oppression, sexuality, and intersectionality." —From the article abstract.