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A research guide to support HUMN100 and HUMN101 at ECU.

Useful Resources for the Exhibition Assignment

Consider what types of documents might be relevant to your research :

  • Books: Consider a book that addresses a theme that you would like to build on
  • Exhibitions catalogues: Look at previous exhibition catalogues for the artist(s) and read the curatorial essays
  • Exhibition reviews: Has a review been published for the exhibition you're writing about?
  • Encyclopedia article: Look up references to art movements, artists, etc that you are not familiar with
  • Newspaper article: You might find a review of the exhibition in a Canadian newspaper
  • Magazine article: Has anything been published in Canadian Art, for example, about the show?
  • Scholarly-peer-reviewed journal article: Find articles in academic journals to help you build on the theme and context of your chosen topic

Databases to find information about local or Canadian artists       604-844-3840        520 East 1st Avenue, Vancouver, BC