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Industrial Design

Getting started with research in industrial design.

What's in this guide?

Welcome to this guide!  It will help you discover ECU Library's vast resources on industrial design. Included here are tips on how to find books, ebooks, magazines and journas, databases that index great articles, information on materials, citing your sources, and more! 

Please use the tabs on the left to navigate between the different resources.  And, as always, if you have any questions or suggestions on how to improve this page, please share them with me

Also, check out the great videos on LinkedIn Learning, where you can learn how to use software like Objectified, SOLIDWORKS, and more!

Image credit: From the New York Public Library.  "Design for silver service," circa 1880-1883, London, England. The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs: Art & Architecture Collection, The New York Public Library. "Design for silver service." New York Public Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 28, 2023.       604-844-3840        520 East 1st Avenue, Vancouver, BC