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Contains full text articles and abstracts for an international array of journals, books, podcasts, images and more. Includes: Art Index / Abstracts / Full Text / Retrospective plus Art & Architecture Complete
The Art, Design & Architecture collection includes the specialist indexes ARTbibliographies Modern (covering modern and contemporary art), Design and Applied Arts Index (for all aspects of design and crafts) and the International Bibliography of Art (covering scholarship on Western art history), together with a complementary collection of current full-text journals, Arts and Humanities Full Text.
The Art Canada Institute is a non-profit research organization based at Massey College, University of Toronto. Founded in 2012, the ACI is the only national institution whose mandate is to promote the study of an inclusive multi-vocal Canadian art history to as broad an audience as possible, in both English and French, within Canada and internationally. The ACI works with more than 50 of Canada’s leading art historians, curators, and visual culture experts who are dedicated to the creation of authoritative original content on the people, themes, and topics that have defined Canadian art history.
Artists in Canada, compiled and maintained by the National Gallery of Canada Library, is a bilingual union list that identifies the location of documentation files on Canadian artists. Twenty-three libraries and art galleries across Canada have contributed biographical information and lists of their documentation files to create this resource which contains information for over 42,700 artists.
LIBRARY CATALOGUE: e-artexte contains over 26,000 records for contemporary art publications in our collection. These art books, magazines and other published works may be consulted in our reading room during our regular opening hours.DIGITAL REPOSITORY: e-artexte is also an open access platform for contemporary Canadian art publishers (museums, artist-run centres, art galleries, etc.), authors and artists to upload digital versions of their publications (or born digital publications) for anyone to download for free. A Creative Commons licence is attached to each digital document, and these licenses will inform users how they may re-use these digital documents.
The NFB CAMPUS service provides a mix of Public Performance Rights for films freely viewable from the NFB site, access to films not available on the public website, and value added services. Individual authenticated users can create their own logins to take advantage of customizable options such as the custom playlists.