Can I upload a PDF of a journal article or other copyright-protected work to Moodle, or a Blog, or other Site?
Yes, you can do this for works that are copied under fair dealing, or in instances where you have direct permission, or in instances where you have confirmed that the source in question grants you the rights to do so. Note: when permission has been obtained to directly upload a document or PDF, the content must be posted in a password-protected environment that is only accessible to students registered in your course.
Can I place copies of readings on library reserve?
Yes, but only if at least one of the following applies to the copies:
Can I copy portions of materials for the purpose of creating tests and examinations?
Yes. Using copyrighted material in exams is generally permissible under copyright exception s.29.4(2) of the Copyright Act, reproduction for examinations. If you need to use material beyond this, copyright exception s. 30.01 can also apply, contact Suzanne Rackover if you need help to implement this copyright exception as there are rules that need to be followed to use it.
Can I e-mail copies of articles or digital files downloaded from a database like JSTOR, etc.?
No. The recommended practice is always to use a link to the article if it is available online. See: how to use persistent links
Can I print materials from the Internet to hand out to my students in class?
Only within the limits of fair dealing. Internet materials are copyrighted and not in the public domain unless you have obtained permission from the copyright holder or they have given permission for that use (ex. Creative Commons licence).
Can I make copies of all or part of a book that is no longer in print?
Yes, however, due diligence in obtaining permission from the publisher or rights holder would need to be undertaken first.
How can I find a film to screen in class?
The library can obtain videorecordings for your classes, please use the media booking form on the library website to make a request.
Can I show a YouTube video in class?
Yes, you may link to a YouTube video for classroom viewing, as this practice does not constitute making a copy. However, downloading a copy of a video for posting or distribution would be making a copy and would require permission. It is the faculty member's responsibility to ensure the legitimacy of YouTube videos before showing them in the classroom. YouTube videos and videos from other video sharing sites may contain content not uploaded by the copyright owner and use of these videos endorses copyright infringement, therefore, search for official versions of videos uploaded by the content creator.
Can I screen a film from Netflix in my class?
No. Netflix, Amazon, Crave and other streaming services are meant for personal home use and are not licensed for educational use. Content viewed through these services are for your personal (and non-commercial use) only and may not be shared in the classroom.
Can I scan an item and project it onto a screen in class, including copyrighted material such as images?
Yes, this is allowed under the exceptions for educational institutions in the Copyright Act (s. 29 (4)).
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