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Guide to Canadian Copyright and ECU policies on Copyright

Digital Course Collections

Publications can be uploaded to a course site in the Moodle LMS or a secure ECU course blog, if the copies fall under Fair Dealing, or when permission has been given by the copyright holder, or when permitted by a licence.

To view the permitted uses for images and other content from library licensed resources, please visit the Library’s A-Z Database page and click on Permitted Uses for This Database.

Posting Links to Online Readings

If you wish to share an electronic article by email or for an online course you should provide a link to the source, the web address, or a citation rather than sharing the item itself.

For example, if you wish to refer a colleague, a student, or group of students to an article from an electronic journal available from the library send the persistent link to the article. The library subscribes to a large number of full text databases that allow linking in an online course environment.

Proper citing of sources is essential in academic work. However, it is not part of copyright. For more information on citing, consult the library’s citation guide.

How to use persistent links

This short guide provides information on how you can find and insert persistent links from the Library's electronic resources directly into your Moodle or blog course pages, Word and PowerPoint documents, emails, etc.

  1. Search for your resource using the Library Quick Search box
  2. From the Results List click on the resource you want to link to
  3. From an open article, click Permalink in the Tools menu on the right.
  4. Use your browser's copy and paste functionality to copy the link from the Permalink window and paste it into an email, web page, etc.

Only authorized users can access the article. When users follow the hyperlink from a web page, they will be prompted for authentication information.       604-844-3840        520 East 1st Avenue, Vancouver, BC