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Student Feedback

2023 Student Survey

In the spring of 2023 we performed our first large student survey since 2019. 204 students responded, giving us valuable information about what has changed since our previous survey (for better or for worse), which areas we still need to work on, and what our new priorities should be. This document includes discussions about why we ask certain questions, and what we plan to use the data for.

Transparency about our surveys is important to us. Previously, we released the survey data as well as our responses via a physical display - going forward we have decided to release the information online so that information from previous surveys is also available. Thank you to all who participated for your valuable responses!


The first question in surveys like this one is always about demographics. We need to know who is using our spaces and resources the most.. and who isn't! That will allow us to do more outreach to groups that may not be aware of what we have to offer. Or, it can allow us to increase certain areas of the collection, or add new services that will be of interest to the underserved parts of our community.


Program information is also incredibly useful to us, as we can then look at further questions in the survey through the lens of different groups. It can tell us information such as - which programs aren't getting research seminars from librarians? This can allow our team to reach out to different faculty members and offer our services to groups that wouldn't otherwise know about the different ways the Library can help them.


The last piece of information we like to look at in our demographics is how frequently our respondents use the Library or its resources. This can allow us to break down some other question categories to see if they are potentially reasons why some folks use the library more frequently than others.


This is a question that we ask in order to see which of our collections are most popular with our students. This information helps us to not only determine where we should allocate our acquisitions budget, but it also helps us to see which collections are being underused. We can then try to further determine why these collections are not currently of interest - do we need to publicize or highlight them in some way, are they difficult to find in the space, or are they simply outdated materials?

On the topic of outdated materials, we were surprised to see 4% of respondents reported using our slide collection! It is a fascinating look at an old teaching medium, and contains some interesting images. We will have to think about putting slides out on the light tables for folks to interact with more often!

Question 13, also regarding our collections, was new this year. We asked: What is something that you'd like to see more of in the Library collections - or what do you think is missing from our collections?

There were 134 responses, including 7 that consisted of suggestions for specific purchases. We were able to group other responses into categories, which will allow us to determine areas that we may be able to focus on for for future library purchases.


Response Category      
Graphic Novels/Zines 18 Fiction 3
Library Programming 9 Film 3
International 7 Games 3
Non-Art 6 Music 3
Animation 5 Fashion 3
Student Work 4 Photography 3
Multilingual 4 Philosophy 3
Drawing 3 And more - see below! 2

Some of these comments were split by our staff in order to allow us to more easily categorize them. These comments have been marked by [comment split for multiple tags], as we want to ensure transparency. Any pieces of identifying information have been redacted from comments as well.


I've been curious to see if the Library has collections of The Art of Disney movies books. These books hold valuable information on how Disney animated films were created, from the color palettes, script and character designs. They would be such a valuable resource for Animation students!


I think more art of books for example art or Disney, art of Pixar, etc


Animation concept art book


International animated movies


Concept art books for animation


I love artist books so more of those would be amazing


I would like to see more artists’ book.


More audio books especially for the books that are required for critical studies courses. You have to read 5 big novels and this can be difficult if you have reading disorder etc, also maybe have at least two hard copies so students can take them out for a day loan instead of a 2 h one. Basically more accessible


More sub categories like beading, jewelry making and other skills that aren’t offered at the school as a course.


More about curational books and more exhibition catalogues please!


"Access to this online resource (this is huge, why don't we as an art institute have access to this?) more surrealist content"


Access to good journals with academic articles like jstor etc


More design related books. If you think you have plenty maybe display those at the enterence as well. I love looking through those books and most of the time i end up buying them. Im sure it will draw more students in.


drawing work


I'd like to see more of figure drawing/anatomy books, I found few in the library but would be nice if there was wider choice


Step by step books on figure drawing


More fashion books


More product design and fashion design books. A lot of the books there within those catalogs are older now, would love to see some newer books in person rather than online only.


More Asian+African+Latin american and contemporary costume/dress resources


Perhaps fiction books?


more fiction maybe?


I think all the available books are quite useful as an art student. They mostly seem catered towards art and academics, but I don't see much of reading material for pleasure, such as fiction books. This wouldn't be too necessary, though.


I think I'd like to see more Canadian cinema in the video catalogue! There's some great ones in there but not a ton in the grand scheme


More movies


maybe more variety of films, or maybe access to a library app like Libby for reading or audiobooks




More puzzles


More board games maybe?


Graphic Novels


More comics, maybe like some history stuff


abstract or introspective manga


Comic Books!


I’d like to see more graphic novels and zines


More zines and ability to borrow them


More books in the graphic novel/comics/zines collection would be particularly useful for both research and general reading.


Regular graphic novels, maybe banned books that talks about important ideas


Graphic novels!


more about game development and language learning resources


More graphic novels!!


More variety in the graphic novels


I’d like to see more manga.


I would love to see more graphic novels, there’s a lot of illustrators interested in comics/creating graphic novels and I find that the collection is massively lacking in a having comics aimed at different age groups such as middle grade, YA, and even some younger children’s books would be helpful resources for illustrators interested in getting into making those kinds of books. There’s a lot of adult and non fiction, but i would love to see a bigger variety. Some recommendations: Twelfth Grade Night, Real Friends, Snapdragon, Raina Telgemeier books, Scott Pilgrim


Graphic novels


More zines! Also more games


European graphic novels


More zines!


I would love to see more art books, especially from recent illustrators.


I’d like to see more fiction and non fiction books to get ideas for our projects, especially for illustration students


More recent UX design books, communication, marketing and business books


I would like to see more South American / Latinx books, specially related to decoloniality and political studies.


More international things


more books on design from other cultures. From Chile, Mexico, Central America, Australia, France, Korea, etc


I couldn't find a good collection regarding rugs and kilims designs. Not much Middle Eastern art or design related books or articles.


More foreign materials


more art books that showcase the illustrations/works of overseas artists (like ishida sui and junji ito)


"More books and resources by writers and artists from the Global South A wider variety of general world history resources about non-Western regions (eg. maps, textbooks)"


"Magazines "


maybe collections of zines and books in different languages that would be very interesting.


Books in other languages


More books about bilingual typography please! [comment split for multiple tags]


Maybe more books in different languages


music cds!


We need musical instruments (guitar or ukulele), minimal stuff that encourages students to gather and be productive with music and art


More Thai stuff + more music stuff, can you bring in more synths? Thank you


So far, except for a few specific books, I haven't encountered a lack of resources on subjects.




I’m not sure because I haven’t explored much


You can never have too many books :)


I'm pretty satisfied with the library, and ILL makes it always complete


I haven't noticed anything since I'm using the facility more as a space than an archive.


I’ve found the collections to be pretty comprehensive so far, only difficulties coming from my own inability to find things


I Haven't explored as much of now.


It's pretty good tbh


I think it’s all pretty good as is!


As far as I've seen I've always found what I was looking for.


They have most of what I need.


I haven't looked deep enough into the collection to suggest something.


I haven’t had used enough of the books to say


I find it to be a very put together place no complaints!


i don't think there's anything i could say is missing-there's so much in the collections i'm not even sure what i haven't used yet!




I don't know most of these were a thing.


I actually don’t know much about the library at all. i feel like i should spend some more time in there because going through these questions i didn’t realize all the resources that are available


Im not sure honestly


No answer due to lack of looking at many collections


Haven’t explored it enough to make a suggestion


it’s a great collection


cant think of anything


Books or magazines other than design and Art


Some more books about topics other than art. Like I understand that this is an art school and idk what the library funding is like so it’s not a pressing thing, but I would find that helpful. But I have found everything I’ve really needed in the library anyways


Some normal non-fiction books (if they are there make it more obvious)




I think books that involve more social or historical content could be helpful. E often write essays or have projects that are rooted in those topics and having books on them that aren’t directly related to art or an artist would be really nice


And expanded new books and social science


I think there’s a good amount of variety within the library collections. As someone who is always looking at other artist’s paintings, I do enjoy finding new books with more painting references.


More current contemporary books, specifically in painting.


History and general text about philosophy.


More Philosophy books!


More modern philosophy!!!


A wider selection of photography books and photography books by vancouver artists. I would also like to be able to sign out faculty's books. A lot of teacher's and professors have written books so I would like to read them.


Contemporary photo books!


More photo books (the library has a decent collection of photo books but I want to see more diverse range of artists) [comment split for multiple tags]




I would love to see a section on help specifically about breaking into the art industry and galleries in the area and studios in the are. More recent resources to help current art graduates.


More up-to-date books on how to make a mark on the modern art scene: social media. [comment split for multiple tags]


Artist talks


It would be great to see more display of the collections (artists books, print collection etc.) I know that's been something that is happening more this semester which is great!


Maybe do a section of staff picks


Maybe advertising more collections to gain interest


Showing off the wonderful collection of resources more so we know what is in it


I didn't realize we had all of these things in question 12. Maybe more information would help build awareness. I simply email or poster outlining everything available would help. I didn't really look at the website to find out what is available at the library.


Maybe a drop off little zine library? Where students can put their zines on a little shelf


Weekly book sales would be great, it happens once in a blue moon and I pick up tons of books for just 1-3 dollar! I love collecting books and reading them when I get sick using my phone.


I think we could use more plants and snacks


A healthy happy corner for science would be really awesome, especially about nature and environment?


Illustrator books, kim jung gi


Books on aspects of art: similar to art and fear, war of art, art and spirit. [comment split for multiple tags]


More instructional DVD series: similar to the three sets of Tom Hudson and the Knowledge Network’s collaborations, these have all the insight of an ECU course without the cost and time. [comment split for multiple tags]


I’d like to see more paper making or garden related art books


Von Spatz by Anna Haifisch


I would love to see more vintage collage/art books or magazines though vintage stuff are hard to come by


I don't use the Library collections very often at all, the only section I've ever taken a good look at is the graphic novel section which was for a class. Perhaps books that had more collections of works rather than text would be useful as a new source of inspiration.


I think the library could use more student works or have facilities to help students publish


Student books! Like, stuff made by students


A small exhibition of students art


Everything is great, especially the plants. I am really grateful for the library space that the team has created. I think it would be a great opportunity if students could give some of their artwork to be in the library space




Video games would be cool


Cookbooks would be cool, by extension, general wellness books: for some students, this is the only library they know or have time to visit and these books would help greatly. [comment split for multiple tags]

Our online resources are a very important aspect of our collections, but they are slightly harder to publicize than some of our more traditional materials. We can see from these results that the two types of resources that are in highest use are the more 'traditional' online resources, while some of our more unique collections aren't seeing as much traffic as we might like.

For example, seeing only 15% of users accessing our Research Guides is slightly disheartening, as our staff work hard to build guides that are excellent jumping off points for a variety of topics. They include links to both catalogue items (books, traditional media formats), as well as select online resources which are targeted to the topic at hand. It's a reminder that we need to try to publicize them more!



This question helps us to see which of our services are in the highest demand, and which may need to be promoted more. Some of these are services which can be promoted on social media or on the website, and others can be hyped up during class visits or other outreach sessions done by our librarians.

We were also able to see that 50% of folks have needed to ask our staff for help with printing or computer issues, which has helped us to advocate for having an IT helper present in the Library during busier times of the day.

Research...? Help!

We asked if students had attended a research instruction session led by a librarian - including sessions held in the Library and those held in classrooms. At first glance, the data seemed unexciting - a 50/50 split between those who had and had not attended instruction sessions. This data doesn't tell us much - other than the fact that we want to get more students into these sessions!



However, once we break the data down by faculty (see below), it becomes much more useful. We can see which faculty areas we need to target more for research instruction sessions, such as Foundation and DDM. We can also see that the ART and MDes faculties are better represented, and we can try to understand why we are more successful with research outreach to them, rather than to other groups at the school!


This question helps us to see what students are actually learning at their research instruction sessions. It helps our librarians to then tailor those sessions to ensure that the most important points get across.

For instance, only 21% of respondents felt that they learned how to better evaluate sources - so we may try to add more information literacy portions to instruction sessions in the future!

Why are you here?

This question looks into why our students are visiting the ECU Library + Archives. We were able to break down the responses into five broad categories, each of which consisted of the following:

To work included:

'Study with my group/friend', 'Study by myself', and 'Use a library computer'

To print included:

'Use a printer', 'Get help with printing', 'Load print credit onto my account', and 'Use a scanner'

To use the Library services included:

'Get research help', 'Visit with the staff', 'Pick out something from the Booksale', 'Pick out something from the Supply Swap', 'Pick up seeds from the Seed Swap', 'Attend an event', and 'Library instruction session'

To relax included:

'Play a game' and 'Take a nap'

Tell me more?

Why AREN'T you here?

This question is important to us as it helps us to determine what we might be doing wrong, and how we can make our space more inviting. When we look at the responses, a decent proportion of our users don't visit simply because they either prefer to study elsewhere, or they feel comfortable that they can get what they need online.

This allows us to then focus on the other responses, which help us to see that there is a relatively even split between those who feel the library is not appealing due to volume levels, brightness, or general comfort. There were also a large proportion of those who responded 'Other' to this question, which helps us to see that there are other reasons that students might not use the Library that don't even occur to us.

This information lead to us trying to rearrange furniture in ways that would increase comfort, allow students to choose from areas with slightly different lighting levels, and to decrease general volumes. As we followed this survey up with a survey in the fall of 2023 about sound levels, it is apparent that we haven't managed to solve the problem yet.

We received 43 'Other' Responses, and with that number of responses it was useful to break them down into categories. You can view all the original comments by clicking the button below the chart.

It's a nice space but, I'm afraid of having my computer stolen. Most of the time the library didn't have the book I wanted.
Library is too cold
only a few well cushioned chairs
Some tables are too low
Basically just when it is closed.
Sometimes I study past the closing time of the library
The library hours are too short, especially on weekends
Hours are too short so not worth commuting or getting settled
I always visit the library girl
I visit the Library everyday
Wish there was a space where we could eat while working, prefer the library to the lunch area
I live far from campus and only visit the library when convenient
Live far from campus
I mostly commute to school. Most of the time I sit in the library to study between classes or eat lunch etc. if I lived closer I’d probably spend more time there
I live far.
I have a hard time figuring out how to transfer the files i work on at home into the school cloud/computer, also generally not understanding Mac
It doesn't have the computer set up my school work requires
not enough outlets near sitting areas
computer is hard to use with that mouse
Printing is very expensive
Scanner's aren't as good as in the DOC for film scanning, no CAD programs on computer either
I spend most of my time at the animation studio :(
My degree hasn’t required me to check out many books , when I have needed to I use the library but I’ve only needed to twice in four years
I genuinely forget. Everytime I'm in the library I think to myself, this space is so cool! I should be here more often! But then I don't.
No really specific need except prints i guess, no specific reason
I usually only go if my friends are there
I have my own space to study
I’m usually more efficient working at home, going to school only for classes, friends and when I need to.
People from other schools take up the space sometimes
most times im with my friends and there are not enough space for all of us (because usually the downstairs/ upstares area are taken), the other reason is that it doesn't have enough couches, so we try to go to the foundation lounge or the one in cafeteria
I get distracted by people
i think it’s always a lot of eyes in the library. some people are there to people watch, and i don’t blame them. i really like the beanbags bc they put you on a different level visually so you can use them beside strangers comfortably
I’m shy or anxious
It often feels cold or sterile
Too quiet
lately the library has been really noisy..
What puts me off the library sometimes is the seating and the noise. Sometimes students are too loud, and that’s not on anyone else.

Physical Space

This data is valuable as it helps us to understand the best way we can balance the furniture that we have to fit the needs of the folks using the space. With a large proportion of our users wanting both soft seating as well as tables and chairs, we are attempting to make these spaces as flexible as possible. Some of the ways that we are trying to do that is by introducing laptop tables to the space (so that the soft seating can be used more ergonomically), as well as table dividers that will allow the larger tables to be shared while still retaining a sense of privacy.

In the follow-up question, we asked Based on your choices above, why do you prefer these spaces over others? Do you have suggestions for improving our space?


I would like more soft beanbags to lay and relax on in private spaces, as well as more individual chairs and tables. Most of the tables have lots of chairs, and it's hard to find a space to sit if you're by yourself

We have purchased several additional beanbags and put them throughout the space! We are also working to add additional single study table options where possible.
Like to sit on a couch, preferably w a foot rest


More Plants! More Natural Light, and lamps


I like to sit where I can have my computer or book on a table at desk/normal height rather than coffee table height, to study ergonomically!

We have bought several adjustable laptop tables which will allow folks to sit in a variety of chairs and have their laptops (or books) at a more ergonomic height and angle.
It would be nice to have comfy seating combined with taller tables. Maybe ones that rolled/moved. This way I could use my computer or work on stuff in a supportive chair without leaning forward. Thanks!


there could be another hammock. LATER hours! ( I know this is hard... but this is literally the only place on campus to study)I find the book organization system confusing.. hard to find things even when you have the number. maybe there could be a couple guide sheets up. easier access to artist book room.

We have two hammocks now! We have also created some maps of the book stacks that will hopefully help folks to find what they are looking for more easily. Unfortunately, we don't have the staffing levels or the demand to provide later opening hours at this time.


When i work by myself i typically want a quiet place/need access to a computer and in a group we need the room for our projects .Also add a map of the general sections some books genres are hard to find..

Final Comments?

We love finishing with an open-ended question like this because it gives folks a chance to tell us their feelings about us as well as our space. Responses were grouped into positive/neutral/negative, and then further categorized. It was good to see an overwhelmingly positive response, as well as delightful anecdotes and suggestions. We love you all too!

Due to the large number of comments, staff were unable to respond to everything - but we responded to a selection of comments on a variety of topics!

One time I watched my friend print out stacks of homemade playing cards and continue to attempt to cut them with the paper cutter whilst continually realizing that they had printed wrong, and every time it happened we kept laughing because it was so insane how the file could possibly have been affected in so many ways
We love this story so much!
on halloween night i met up with my friend before the big party and watched some old animations on VHS. Amazing experience i won’t forget.
WE LOVE THIS!!! We do have an amazing collection of films – DVD, VHS and even 16 mil. It is absolutely worth checking them out or using the viewing stations in the library. So many great movies you can’t find on streaming platforms. We also have awesome free streaming videos and films – check these out!
I had just finished a presentation and was tired. I dozed on a beanbag in the sun. It was lovely
When the sun hits the beanbag area in the right way, it's magical! We are planning to expand our beanbag options to give people more opportunities to have amazing sunbeam naps :)
I'm always really amazed by the wosk print collection and the artist book room, i feel too awkward to request the artist book room just for myself so i've really appreciated when classes book them for research days as well as the thursday open room events
We're so glad you've enjoyed your time with print collection in the artists' books room, and welcome appointments to view the collection on your own or with a group of friends.
I have gone to visit the artists books archive three times now with different instructors and I always love the selection they give us to page through!
So glad that you enjoyed the selections. We aim to provide a collection that has something for everyone and welcome requests for additions.
The passion those who specialize in archival and special/archived books is contagious. The ability to take out so many books and check them out them for extended periods of time has been so important as someone living far from campus.
We love the artist books collection and archives so much and are so happy to hear that people are excited about it just as much as we are! We are hosting open artists books and archives on Wednesday and Thursdays so come and stop by :) It's great to know you are able to use the books in a way that works for you. You can always renew them too!
I live the puzzle table, it's quiet and somewhat out of the way so I can turn off my brain for a little bit and look at silly little colors and shapes and match them
Puzzle time! Studies show doing puzzles can be good for developing  your visual-spacial reasoning, honing your problem-solving skills, and can relax you. We put a puzzle out a few years ago after a co-worker brought one in from home and students have really taken to them. It is nice to see friends puzzling quietly together on their breaks, or chatting about school projects. We love that you love our puzzles.  
Having board games with people I never knew before.
Yay! It's awesome to hear that the board games are helping to connect people, let us know if there are any board games you'd like to see added to the collection.
With friends we decided to play a dixit game and some other people we didn’t know joined in!
This is terrific to hear! We know that there aren't enough social spaces on campus for people to meet new friends, and that kind of community building is a really important part of our vision for how we want the library to be.
I always go to Emily Carr library for all my printing needs. It doesn’t really matter what do I have. The staff is super useful and resourceful. Couple of times, my printing skill got stuck, so Carlos and the women at the counter helped me resolve the issue, apart from this I’ve learnt so much about printing from Carlos! They literally help and teach at the same time. So it’s super great!
I didn’t know how to use the self printing service and was super glad that Carlos showed me the set up step by step process
  Carlos is a print wizard and we appreciate him so much.
I like the drawing table on the second floor a lot! It’s very cool to see peoples work!
We love the collabrative drawing/doodle table too. We love art school. We are collecting your tabletop doodles and wrapping them around the poles on the mezzanine. We hope to collect many layers of these doodles and eventually cut into the paper on the poles to reveal the layers of previous year’s doodles. The doodle table always seems like a really good scene.
I’m incredibly fond of the things going on in the Library— I love the supply swap, the seed swap, and the events at the front desk (raffles, notice of the buy nothing group, etc)
 We love to hear about people who enjoy our programming. Keep an eye out for posters at the front desk (or around campus), as well as our Instagram to find out about more events and opportunities we are offering!
Once i was in the library with a friend and in the table at the lower floor there where a bunch of like camera filters of different colours, like test filters, and we took a bunch of cool pictures and it was very cool
  Those are old colour swatch slides - the precursor to the modern Pantone swatchbooks! We love their old school beauty.
Drawing room! Book reviews! Finding great books in the art sale and seriously appreciating the affordability, But all in all we love the library team <3
There are so many! Everyone at the library is so welcoming and supportive! I recently talked to Ana about getting a book I had on an interlibrary loan for Emily Carr's Library collection, it felt really cool that a request I made could bring a new book in and then others could use that resource. :-)
We encourage students to let us know what resources they would like to see in the collection. Thank you for suggesting this new book!
I like seeing the plants cared for in the library. The nourishing attention that is given to them creates a similar atmosphere. The library is a magical place :)
Thank you! We work hard to keep the plants happy, sometimes more successfully than others lol. There is a team of library + archives staff that take turns watering, we all have our zones and get to know what each plant needs. And totally - in a concrete building it is so nice to look up and see greenery and plant life.
I love the corner that’s full of sun and plants with the office, chairs, and the desk, it’s the most comfortable place to study and work on my computer
"I really like all the plants. I love getting to sit at the plant table in the back right corner by the big windows.
This desk is one of the most well used in the library. Its location provides a mix of natural light while also being somewhat sheltered. At the library we receive many requests for physical spaces that feel more protected and private. We have tried to create some of these using plants to break up the large space. It makes me happy to see people studying at this table. Light filtered through leaves helps calm the human nervous system. Plants feed us in many ways.
Oh that giant monstera is so cool. I love her
We love the monstera too! She might need a new pot soon to keep growing bigger! Stay tuned....
i love how the staff left a note near my bag to aware me of the theft going on campus, thank you for that.
We care about you and don't want anything to go missing! Although it's very unfortunate, theft has happened on our campus and it's important for everyone to be aware not to leave their belongings unattended.
The staff are always so helpful! I also find myself getting swept away by the photobooks. I love them all so much.
We love to hear what books you like and what you want to see more of in the library. Bringing the right resources takes the collaboration of everyone who uses them, and we welcome suggestions from students, faculty, staff and technicians for updated materials and filling in subject gaps.
It’s comfy and has lots of great resources, but not many books helped me in my research and the lighting sometimes got a bit too straining.
We encourage you to visit the research help desk or book an appointment with a librarian to find what might be missing in our collection and to help you find the resources you need.
Had a funny chat with some of the library staff one time about trying to figure out this one species of tulips they'd had in a vase- I asked what it was and I accidentally ended up sending them on a mission looking up all these bulb varieties trying to find it lol. It was like watching someone have an actor's name on the tip of their tongue and not being able to give up until they figure it out.
We remember this day! We were so convinced it would be an easy answer, but we wound up having to involve several different staff members to figure it out in the end. These sorts of questions often turn out to be our favourites - we love trying to find answers to unusual or unexpected things!
I spent lots of time reading graphic novels and comics in the library, it actually inspired me to try writing my own. Love the collection you have there!
So happy to hear that the collection inspired you to work on your own graphic novel!
I entered a piece into the Climate Change Exhibition for April
Thank you for participating in our inaugural Library + Archives curated group exhibition. It was a wild success and included thought-provoking works about the climate emergency by talented students, staff, faculty and alumni. The exhibition catalogue is available online in our eCollections!
We are happy to help with that and how you how to use the library system. Stop by the research help desk or book an appointment with a librarian.
Vanessa changed the way I did research and helped me make a breakthrough in my research. I wish I was introduced to Vanessa in my first semester - I could've made this breakthrough much earlier in my research.
Thanks so much for taking the time to write this comment! I'm so glad to hear about your research breakthrough! It's the dream of every librarian to have a positive impact on students and their work. We try our best to offer tips on doing research at the point when students need it the most. We'll keep working on that. Thanks again!
I got help to do a research for my humanities class
We're glad to hear that you got the research support you needed. We're always here to help with your research projects. Stop by the research help desk, book an appointment with a librarian, or use our AskAway online chat service.
Sometimes when I find an article relevant to my research, it is difficult to access it from the library portal, or sometimes the links in the database do not work
Some of the resources in our databases are abstracts/indexed resources and will provide the bibliographic information without the full-text article. To access the full resource you can request it through Interlibrary Loan. We're happy to assist with finding the resource with you.
I've had the pleasure of making new friends in the library! Everyone in their is on the same wave length so its easy to start chatting with whomever happens to be near you.
This makes me so happy to hear! The library is a place for learning but it's also a great place to foster community and make friends! :)
The floating floor of the library holds a few really great memories of my Foundation year so far. During semester one, my friends and I would have lunch together on the floating floor where the board games are, and it would be a great bonding experience. The cozy aesthetics really put me at ease and the board games were a great way to build our relationships. I always felt comfortable there, and sitting there always reminded me of how grateful I felt to be able to come to such a nice place.
I just like studying at the lower level by the windows because it has a nice ambience. It could be nice to have small lockers for temp use for example while we use the bathroom or grab food/coffee so we dont have to lug around heavy bags or risk leaving it unattended
I love the corner that’s full of sun and plants with the office, chairs, and the desk, it’s the most comfortable place to study and work on my computer
Borrowed a pen! Also scored some batteries! Always helpful staff
The first time I ever had to scan something also happened to be the first time I went to the front desk for help. Regrettably I do not remember who it was that helped me, but they were really nice and showed me very quickly how to use the library scanners. Everyone there has always been very helpful on other occasions I've needed assistance or wanted to purchase something from book sales as well!
I wanted to read a specific issue of a magazine that on the website said it is available in the library but couldn't put it on hold. So asked for help but at the end I had to buy that specific issue of that magazine
"I love using the study rooms, I’ve found they allow group projects to have a space to thrive unbothered! Another experience I had was becoming super annoyed at a group of people in the lower level talked about unschool related stuff and being very loud and interruptive. I was disappointed in myself afterwards for not asking them to quiet down because it ruined my work time that day. Wasn’t sure if that was a rule or not "
I love the artists book room show and tell these past Thursdays. I love when there is a calm vibe in the library and being able to take a nap, finding some great books of artists in the lithography section lately.
Library is honestly awesome, it has complete set of facilities that we can use in our studies.
library is always good
One day i was waiting for my friend so i decided to go through the books in the library. The next thing i know i spent 2 hours looking at all the cool books i picked and have 5 missed calls on my phone:))
The first thing that comes to mind is that I love to step in and look at the books that are on display in the entrance space
I like printing and cutting out art with my friends at the library
Generally speaking if I have to bring my wagon to school and I have to use the bathroom, I use the bathroom in the library because it's one of very few bathrooms on campus that has enough space for it to be in.
i have posters from the library on my wall
I Like to eat lunch with friends and hang around before or after class
"I made some of the puzzles in the library with friends, and hung out in that area it was quite fun! I also had multiple group study sessions at the library with friends either downstairs near the big windows or in one of the study rooms and they were all enjoyable :)"
Lots of nice memories of studying with my friends
I really enjoy the artists’ book open archive events.
i booked an appointment to view artists books one time and it was amazing and very helpful for my research
"Two months ago, I discovered a collection of poems by a queer and Indigenous author named Jaye Simpson that I was meaning to read for a while now! I was delighted to see their newest book ""it was never going to be okay"" in the Library's catalogue and finally take a look at the poems inside. Thank you to the library for finding one of Jaye Simpson's books for me. "
There were a few times I came to kill time and read comics and mangas. I found a few that Ive never heard of but really liked, and ended up searching more about those authors.
I am a consistent phone charger borrower!! It’s so helpful because my phone is always dead :)
Once I had a random student come up to me and invite me to play a few games with her when I was sitting alone in the library and we had a good ol time! It was a small but very fun experience
I had an experience in the library where i had a fun time working on a puzzle with my friend
"I like the setting as bc interior design. I wish the hours were longer cause basically there s no other space at school to study I love the staffffff "
It’s not a specific experience but just being in this space inspires me so much. Sometimes I browse through without anything in mind and leave with so many references for my projects! I just wish that the library hours were longer, specially during the weekends.
When we first changed the printers the librarians were so so so so helpful, kind, and patient as we tried to figure them out together. Made me excited to go back and ask questions. They’re all so knowledgeable !!
I had a good experience at the library, printing something for my project. and I indeed had a very good experience cuz, the information center helped me and guided me through the process.
Carlos is always so helpful with print questions.
Printing for the first time using the self serve printers was really straightforward and easy! I didn’t really know what to do going into it but the instructions next to the computer were really helpful. I was expecting to run into some sort of issues (I don’t have good luck with printers) but the entire process went by smoothly and quickly.
When I was setting up my printing the librarians were supper kind and patient
It was really helpful when librarians helped me with the printer
I love to rest for a while with hammok :) in library
I like to go sit in the chairs on the lower level and nap when things are getting kinda overwhelming.
I have taken a few naps on the beanbags, very good neck support :D
Some of the best naps of my life were in the library
I enjoy being in the artists books room cuz its quiet there
I love the seed swap so much. I have so many seeds
"I love the matireal swap area at the library and have had experiences bringing and swapping matireals there where I’ve made new connections with students doing the same! Alternatively I’ve had a lot of help using the mannequins and plinths during my time curating a student exhibition and appreciated the library staff help"
I've viewed work from the Wosk print collection multiple times, sometimes with classes and sometimes by myself and whenever I have gone it has been awesome. One time I went and got to look at abunch of etching and the Archivist was so helpful with everything, was amazing to see some of those prints!
I mostly use the library as a study space or to use the computers to set up for printing at the DOC. I like the times our class has gone down to the WOSK collection or looked at artist books.
I always check out the featured books up at the front of the library, they are well picked and draw me in
I love the free section of the library! I often look through for inspiration and almost always find something that I can use to collage or to read or research further:)
I really appreciate the material supply swap and seed swap,
I loved going into the artist book room with my phot 220 class. It was nice to have an area to look at the books without crowding other spaces where students are studying.
On several occasions, people at the service desk have helped me look up relevant books for my research, and helped me find them in the library! I appreciated it very much.
I love napping in the hammock chairs, this has made my day many times. :) The librarians are so friendly and helpful, one time i was mentally breaking about a research project and a research desk librarian calmly helped me find resources. Thank u!
Research Help presentation for my ceramics class in the archives room. It was very informative!
The librarians at the checkout desk are so nice and patient when helping me locate books for my assignment research. It was super helpful. As well as always being so welcoming.
I asked about pysanky and they helped me find 5 articles and emailed them to me
Just sitting with my headphones on and being in an open light space. It's nice to me in a creative space with other people
I love the space and have brought many family members visiting to it. :)
I have always loved the spaciousness, natural light, and plants around the library when I first came into the library
Nice study space
I've found the library to be a great gathering space for my classmates, friends, and I. It is always quiet and I feel very supported in my learning.
I love sitting on the comfy seating areas and i love all the natural light that comes in. in my major we have no classrooms with windows so it gives me a little boost
I have completed many hours of important work at the little private tables in the back of the library. I very much appreciate them along with the "secret" bathrooms down there
The times that I spend studying alone or with friends at the library are such comfort memories. It's always relaxing and cozy in the library and such a nice open space, it a great place for me to actually be productive. Whenever I bring a friend to see the school the first thing I always have to show them is the library. I think it's a great place that represents how much of a community ECU is.
I like to sit by the windows and watch lectures. It’s very bright and sunny on a nice day. It’s a very positive place to study in. I also rely on the scanner the library for everything. I’m really happy that it is free to use.
It’s a really nice space! I always go to the computers on the last floor to finish my seminar work.
I like the library because I feel like no one bothers me. I've often stayed long hours and am able to focus. I love the giant windows and the amount of light that comes in.
I remember relaxing once awaiting my brother’s arrival between classes. I was sitting at the couches on the second floor by the stairs... it was very relaxing. The visual aesthetic to the library was also quite nice on my eyes when I let them wander around, which I often do when I have nothing else to do.
I like the library as it’s the best place to work and there’s plenty of natural light.
The Library is one of my favourite spaces in the school!
The staff and librarians are very nice!
I have always found the library staff to be very friendly, and generally make the process of going to the library easier :)
I use the study rooms fairly often. Library staff are always very helpful and friendly!
I complemented one of the librarians on her hand knit sweater. I wished I was wearing one of mine so we could have bonded. But alas :(
I love coming to library for various reasons, librarians are always very welcoming and helps me with the questions I have:)
Welcoming and helpful stuff
I love studying at the library. Also the staff at the front desks are always so nice and patient with my questions. It’s definitely one of the greatest spot on campus.
Whenever I go in there, library staff are more than happy to help and they're always nice. I've never had an unpleasant experience in the library.
The library is so welcoming and all staff are so friendly
The people who work in the library are the kindest. They always lend a hand and are eager to find out a solution. I returned a book but it had said I didn’t. They took the situation serious and found out someone hadn’t scanned it. They didn’t blame me or think it was me they just wanted to sort the issues.
This happens more than we would like - sometimes it can be an error with the system, or sometimes we mis-scan a returned book. Please let us know whenever the system is showing that you still have a book that was returned, and we can double-check the shelves for it!
The staff is always very helpful!
All the staff were super nice and I loved the interior and plants inside the library.
The staff are very friendly! Whenever I ask a question, they seriously try to help me out and do the best they can :)
The staff were very helpful with finding cardstock during a project
The staff are always really friendly and willing to help!
The staff are really helpful and comfortable to talk to
library staff is always super helpful whenever I have any questions :)
Talking with the staff! Everyone is always so lovely!!
Staff are very friendly, nice, and helpful.
The staff always make me feel welcome. I’ve come in today to pick up a book, and my day was brightened by the librarian that checked my book out for me.
I really love the study rooms that are provided at the library! I would love to see more of them available!
Mostly working on projects with a friend, comparing notes in groups in one the study rooms we booked. I enjoy the general quietness of the public spaces in the library and that if we can be loud in private spaces because the rooms have good sound control.
The study rooms were great during COVID/a nice place to do group work and set up projection mapping projects
Did you know that the study rooms are a resource that is only available to students? We know how tight space is on campus so we keep those rooms for student-use only. They can be booked here: Study Room Bookings
I rented a study room to record some voice lines and it was delightful, no sound from outside.
Study rooms are easy to book, lots of resources for both enjoyment and project research
Sometimes I film in the quiet study rooms and the security guard was very nice when she told me it was closing time.
It was just a very comfortable experience! Everyone is welcoming and the environment is very serene
It's just a nice place to be :)
Good vibes to sit for group study sessions
a great space to study!
This is my go to spot to study, will literally come from burnaby just to be here
I go often to study by myself and it has always been great, I usually sit in the comfy black chairs
One time I studied in there for an exam and i got a lot of work done because the area is very good for concentrating.
I love the experience in the library especially the cozy spaces.
I love sitting on the comfortable bean bags at the library and taking a break from classes, or having my lunch there when I need a quiet moment
I like that it has all the features I'd a traditional library but is not limited by them since I frequently go with my friends to work and chat and maybe even eat at times.
During midterms, going to the library helped me finish everything on time and that was when I realized I should use the space more often.
I read a whole book in one sitting there. it was nice.
I’m way more productive dealing with schoolwork whenever i’m at the library
It's always a very calming environment and I like studying there
I love to enter the library! It's like a safe haven in which I can relax and get stuff done!
It was a godsend for grinding out essays
It’s a good place to get work done and snack at the same time without feeling guilty
I’ve had a great experience with the writing centre in my First Year as a foundation student. The feedback has helped me a lot in improving my assignments. I also like the library since there are a lot of resources online and in-person. It’s also nice to get some work done in a supportive environment.
The Type Writer is Sick!!
its fine
Not bad but I just don’t come often
study at the group table, finish work with my friend together.
Sat and drew!
My friend works in the archives. Sometimes I'll go bug her for a few minutes while she's working.
I get to see and talk about other people's work
I meet up with other students for a group project.
Hope can check out magazine short term
I loaded credits onto my print card and left it at the reception desk
had help activating my onecard and printing for the first time!
I fell asleep in the hammock and had a dream about having a panic attack.
I ran into someone I didn’t like
Had to move computers twice cause of weird bugs
The printer is kind of hard to use now
I love the library!
The Library loves you too! Especially if you read all the way down to the bottom <3       604-844-3840        520 East 1st Avenue, Vancouver, BC