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Resources for Faculty

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Multilingual Resources

The following resources were compiled as part of the Multilingual ECU Project. 

Deborah O and Tara Wren coordinated the Multilingual ECU Project with a group of students and faculty at ECUAD. They describe the project on their website:

"The Multilingual ECU project advocates for an inclusive learning environment that supports linguistic and cultural diversity. We are looking at ways to better support multilingualism on our campus through shared resources and dialogue. We aim to support multilingual students who face barriers to education and inclusion and those teachers and staff who work with them. We work within an anti-oppression, social justice framework that acknowledges the larger systemic forces that create social inequality in our community."

They worked with students and faculty to create this pamphlet, Our Multilingual Classrooms: Insights + Approaches from ECU Teachers and Students

Florini, Sarah (2014), “Tweets, Tweeps, and Signifyin’: Communication and Cultural Performance on “Black Twitter””, Television & New Media, 15 (3): 223–237, doi:10.1177/1527476413480247

Linnes, Kathleen (1998), “Middle-class AAVE versus middle-class bilingualism: Contrasting speech communities”, American Speech, 73 (4): 339–367, JSTOR 455582, doi:10.2307/455582

Ogbu, John U. (1999), “Beyond Language: Ebonics, Proper English, and Identity in a Black-American Speech Community”, American Education Research Association, 36 (2): 147–184, doi:10.3102/00028312036002147

Pullum, Geoffrey K. (March 27, 1997), “Language that dare not speak its name”, Nature, 386 (6623): 321–322, Bibcode:1997Natur.386..321P, doi:10.1038/386321a0, retrieved August 27, 2010

Smitherman, Geneva (1999), “CCCC’s Role in the Struggle for Language Rights”, College Composition and Communication, 50 (3): 349–376, JSTOR 358856, doi:10.2307/358856

Wheeler, Rebecca; Swords, Rachel (2006), Code-switching: Teaching Standard English in Urban Classrooms, Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English

Nunberg, Geoffrey (1997), “Double Standards”, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 15 (3): 667–675, doi:10.1023/A:1005815614064, retrieved 4 March 2010

Auerbach, Jess. “What a new university in Africa is doing to decolonise social sciences” The Conversation

Ray, Brian and Connie Kendall Theado. “Composition’s “Global Turn”: Writing Instruction in Multilingual/Translingual and Transnational Contexts.” Composition Studies, vol. 44, no. 1, Mar. 2016, pp. 10-12. EBSCOhost,

Kiernan, Julia, et al. “Negotiating Languages and Cultures: Enacting Translingualism through a Translation Assignment.” Composition Studies, vol. 44, no. 1, Mar. 2016, pp. 89-107. EBSCOhost,

Shapiro, Shawna, et al. “Teaching for Agency: From Appreciating Linguistic Diversity to Empowering Student Writers.” Composition Studies, vol. 44, no. 1, Mar. 2016, pp. 31-52. EBSCOhost,

OCAD, Inclusive Teaching: Supporting ESL Students at OCAD

University of Washington, Writing Center

University of Washington, Putting Writing at the Center of Inclusivity       604-844-3840        520 East 1st Avenue, Vancouver, BC